Every summer Brian and I pack up and head north and go the beach with his family at the Jersey Shore! This year was different of course because we had our darling baby boy Christian with us! The experience getting there started off a little crazy because I did not have Brian with me to help tend to our little handful on the airplane! Being that he is trying to walk, crawling and exploring everything new. It was very difficult to confine him for such a long period of time! I am a little bit of a germ phobia and refuse to let him crawl on any floor! I would rather have him scream then put his hands on nasty floors in planes or airports for that matter! After our adventure flight, where he was so antsy to get off the plane, we then hopped into a van for an hour and a half! Patience was wearing thin at this point and thank God for Baby Einstein!!!!
Once at the Jersey Shore, our family was very eager to meet little Christian because most of them had only seen what I have posted on this blog! He was loved by all, but no love was given back at first! Christian is in that terrible stage of: I have to have my mommy or daddy at all times or at least in my vision, oh yeah....and nobody can hold me! Little difficult for Nene and Poppy who want to love on him since they have not gotten to see him in a few months! Well the good news is that it did not take long for him to warm up to everyone and before
you know it he loved everybody back especially his sweet cousin Bennett!
Christian loved the beach, however the water is just a little bit colder than what we are use to here in the South! I am not so sure if he liked that, however, he did love playing with his cousins that he just met for the first time. Gracie, Jenna and Kurt Jr. became his new best friends while we were in Avalon and they kept him very entertained! They were so sweet with him and the perfect little babysitters! Gracie taught him how to build sand castles on the beach, Kurt Jr. taught him how to dig a hole in the sand and
Jenna played peek-a-boo with him all night! I could not ask for three children to have been more perfect with Christian! I do wish that my child would take a cue from those kids on going to bed and staying asleep though! Christian was so off his schedule that the first two nights there were... lets just say were sleepless for me too! Thank God for Debbie Forrey, our cousin who has a house down there in Avalon. She is probably one of the sweetest women I know! Who else would go out and buy a rocking chair for me to use with Christian at night when he was having issues sleeping! Yep, she did! Thanks Debbie you were a life saver and so thoughtful!
Christian stays up later now so we were able to participate in all the nightly activities of going over to Debbie's for fabulous meals and celebrating Kurt Sr. Birthday that is coming up! All in all, it was wonderful to spend time with family and see how well everyone is doing! We wish the best of luck to Alex who is heading off to Yale this month and best of luck to Jimmy and Robby with their Lacrosse Season! Were looking to you boys to help Christian learn Lacrosse in the future years to come! Thank you to my wonderful in-laws who gave us a place to stay and put up with u
s for a week! I look forward to many more years to come!!!! 
Once at the Jersey Shore, our family was very eager to meet little Christian because most of them had only seen what I have posted on this blog! He was loved by all, but no love was given back at first! Christian is in that terrible stage of: I have to have my mommy or daddy at all times or at least in my vision, oh yeah....and nobody can hold me! Little difficult for Nene and Poppy who want to love on him since they have not gotten to see him in a few months! Well the good news is that it did not take long for him to warm up to everyone and before

Christian loved the beach, however the water is just a little bit colder than what we are use to here in the South! I am not so sure if he liked that, however, he did love playing with his cousins that he just met for the first time. Gracie, Jenna and Kurt Jr. became his new best friends while we were in Avalon and they kept him very entertained! They were so sweet with him and the perfect little babysitters! Gracie taught him how to build sand castles on the beach, Kurt Jr. taught him how to dig a hole in the sand and

Christian stays up later now so we were able to participate in all the nightly activities of going over to Debbie's for fabulous meals and celebrating Kurt Sr. Birthday that is coming up! All in all, it was wonderful to spend time with family and see how well everyone is doing! We wish the best of luck to Alex who is heading off to Yale this month and best of luck to Jimmy and Robby with their Lacrosse Season! Were looking to you boys to help Christian learn Lacrosse in the future years to come! Thank you to my wonderful in-laws who gave us a place to stay and put up with u