Friday, October 8, 2010

Cause God Justs Does that...

So the other day we were driving to school and Henley got very upset because she did not want to go to school. It was not even a day that she goes, but never the less she cries? Anyway, I told her that she was not even going to school today. Christian than chimed in and told her she was not going to school today as well. He continued to tell her that because she was a baby she did not go to school every day like big boys do. He of course, goes to school every day!

It got quite in the car for a few minutes and she continued to cry louder. Christian looked at her and said, “Henley, stop crying you are not going to school today. You are staying with mommy.” Henley in return asked her favorite question, “WHY?” Than Christian so insightful said, “ That is just the way God made it. God made babies and God made big boys and that is just the way he does that!” He continued to tell her how she was a baby and he was not so, he goes to school everyday! Henley continued to ask “why” and Christian said again, “ that is just the way it is...that is just the way God does that!”

I of course, sat in the front seat driving and just smiled at how sweet children are and the way they view things! I loved this cute experience between them and wanted to share.

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