Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

It is hard to believe that almost two years have past and I have not written on this blog. However, with three kiddos it gets tough to have a moment. So, I am following the lead of some other friends I know who just mostly post pictures. After all, that is the best part. 

This Christmas was filled with lots of activities. Three of everything plus after school activities equals busy, busy, busy! All the while having walking pneumonia running rampant in our house! Oh did I mention we just moved into a new house! 

Here are some pictures of the month of December with the Bantas!

Gingerbread House
Do I eat it or not?
Holiday pedicures…a girl tradition

Author’s Breakfast were Christian reads one of his stories he wrote at school to an audience. Quite the “Ham” bowing after his performance!

Snuggling Nene who was in town for a quick visit.

Polar Express PJ Day

Henley Christmas Party
The craft I was helping the kids make and reason I have no pictures of Christian at his Christmas party!
Angel hands

Elves rolling our tree after an Auburn Victory!

Elves playing in the rainbow loom

Lucy posing with Frosty

Spike dressed up to Mystery Read to Christian’s class

Elves leaving a message

Ugly sweater/dirty Santa party…look closely at Brian’s sweater

Lucy showing off her gift she made us

No way Santa!

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