Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas with the Murphy’s continues

Since we can not be in two places at once, we opted for a second Christmas with my family. It is too hard going to multiple places on Christmas day with all the kids. They like to be able to enjoy their gifts and they can’t do that being drug everywhere. Brian and Christian went hunting the day after Christmas, so the girls and I went over to my parents to do a little baking. This is a tradition usually done before Christmas, but this year was just to busy. We decided to do it the day after while the boys were away.

Then the next day when they were home, we celebrated Christmas with my family. Here are some of the highlights!

Hen and her American Doll Kaya in matching PJS

Making Snickerdoodles and rolling them in sugar

Chocolate chip

Really they get no presents...

A cool bow and arrow set

The long awaited Rainbow Loom!

American Doll Horse

So excited


her own Bitty Baby!!!

What a wonderful Christmas we all had together with friends and family! Here is to hoping for a wonderful 2014!

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