Monday, January 7, 2008

A New Year

I never thought I would say it, but wow I am so glad the holidays are over! Now a couple of weeks later I am left with a ridiculous amount of toys and Christmas decorations that I have been to tired to take down! Christian sure is happy and definitely occupied, but I am not so sure he knows what to do with all his new things. I got a new video in my spare time I will try to figure out how to download the Christmas morning video! I might need my sister-in-law to assist me with that one! We had a wonderful holiday and were so blessed to have all the people we love around us. Brian's parents Debbie and Lynn came to Birmingham for Christmas and to help Julie and Steve move into their new home. Yes! You heard me correctly...move! I know crazy, but they moved in a few days before Christmas into a beautiful new house literally down the street! We are so happy for them because they definitely needed the space with little Bennett!

Christmas Eve day was spent with the Banta's and Julie, Steve and Bennett. We started off with mimosas a must at any early afternoon gathering. We opened gifts and mostly enjoyed watching the kids open thier gifts with his new toys! There is something so innocent and sweet about a young child at Christmas! Christmas through a child's eyes is almost magical and it makes me feel so blessed to share this season together! Christmas eve we went to mass ( a children's mass) which was a little different then midnight mass, but still enjoyable! I honestly do not think I have actually heard a homily in 16 months, since Christian was born! After church we all went back to our house and had Christmas Eve dinner with the Banta's and my family! It was hectic, but so wonderful to be with everyone you love!

Christmas day was so much fun to watch Christian discover his new toys! I do not think he knew what to play with first! I of course had the video camera out, but not the camera! I only have so many hands?!@? I promise to figure out the video camera thing for the blog! Christian got all kinds of things, but Santa brought him this great Kettler tricycle! Right now I can push him on it with a pole that goes in the back. When he gets bigger and can ride himself I can take the pole out! I think he really enjoys me pushing him though!!! Later that afternoon we went over to my parents home to open presents and have dinner! My parents love Christmas and sometimes go a little overboard with gifts, but then when you only have one happens! However, Brian and I are trying to keep this to a minimum. If you saw Christian's playroom, lets just say, I do not think he needs any more toys and neither do our future children! I believe his favorite thing in the world is this slide my parents got him! Loves the park and going down the slides so this is a perfect indoor activity! Down the slide and down the slide and down the slide he goes! Entertainment for about ten minutes anyway! We had a fabulous holiday and I looking forward to some rest and relaxation, but no time for that because Brian and I were headed to Chicago for the weekend!!! I have no pictures because I left my camera at home!!!
Christian stayed with my parents and my Aunt Punkin was in town so she got a lot of quality time with him too! She lives in El Paso, Texas and does not get to see him that much! We dropped him off on Thursday night and flew out Friday morning! Chicago was very cold and they had a snow storm that morning! We were lucky that we flew in so early or our flight would have been canceled like all the others!! Brian's best friend Stefano and his girlfriend Tony met us up there for the weekend and we had a good time. When we got there we had breakfast and then hit the town. We went shopping on Michigan avenue (Window shopping) and had lunch at this pizza place that was known for their deep dish pizza! Well...I do not think any us will forget it because it made Brian and I terribly sick! We survived and made it through dinner at the 95th floor on top of the Hancock Building, but we were not up for much after that! The next day was great because we had made appointments at the Red Door Spa across the street and we were all getting massages! Mine lasted for a hour and a half! I was in heaven! That is my idea of a vacation! After that wonderful experience Brian and I strolled the city and later we went to the Museum! That night we ate at Carmine's Italian restaurant. We did not do much that night either because we had to get up early and leave the next morning! It was fast and furious and then we were back in Birmingham planning our New Years Eve Bash at our house! Are we crazy you ask? Maybe just a little!
We had a wonderful New Years Eve Party at our house with alot of our friends. We made it kid friendly so everyone brought their children! We had a house full and there were few left at midnight! Oh well, welcome to the world of parenting!!!! I would not have it any other way!!!

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