Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween Parties 2010

Both of the kids had Halloween parties at school where they got to dress up in their costumes and trick or treat. This was the only bribery for sweet Henley to even got to school that day. I truly believe our daughter would stay with me every second of every day if possible. You can tell by the look on her face that she was so excited to be there. However, I am sure once the candy started coming that frown turned upside down. Here are the pictures of her before school.

Christian had his party at the end of the week and got to dress up that morning. Henley did not quite understand why she was not supposed to wear her costume, so I was made to put hers on too. The outfit was over her PJ’s because we were already late from the fit she through for not having on her costume. The excitement over trick or treating was evident in their pictures. I think they had acquired more candy in the past three days because of parties at school and at church. We did not even have to trick or treat on Sunday because we could have used the candy we had to give out to other children. I am not sure who is going to eat it all?

I was not able to go to their parties because of some other things going on, but here are the pictures.

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