Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

Hello friends...sorry to whom all read our blog that it has been awhile since I posted. As you will read in the next few blogs, there is good reason. However, I need to update for my sweet family, so they can one day look back at these memories as fondly as I will remember them.

October 2010 has been a month of craziness as it always has been in the past. There are many festivities that the children love to participate in and not enough time to do them all. This year one of the most fun was a trip to the pumpkin patch at Old Baker’s Farm. The kids have gone every year, but this time we went with our dear friends the Copeland’s. The husband’s were out of town hunting and we decided it would be fun to get out and pick our pumpkins for Halloween.

We loaded all five of the kids up in my car early Saturday morning and headed out. It takes about 45 minutes to get out to Harpersville from our house, but it went by quicker than that. The kids had a blast together, as they always do in the car on the trip over. When we got to the pumpkin patch the boys all needed to use the bathroom. I wish I could of taken a picture of 4 little behinds peeing behind a big SUV. It was very cute.

The kids had so much fun running through the corn maze, riding horses, petting animals, climbing these huge hay barrels...which by the way gave me a heart attack. I could just envision a broken limb of some kind from a big fall. Luckily, that did not happen. We then stood in line for what seemed like an hour before climbing into a hayride for a ride to the pumpkin patch. I forgot how much hay makes everyone in our family sneeze and that would be an issue in the next few days. Never the less we arrived at the huge field of pumpkins and each child got to pick their own pumpkin. Now, just imagine trying to carry a little child and two pumpkins and a diaper bag. Not really my idea of year I will plan much better. It was really muddy because of some rain, but we got two great pumpkins. The day started to get away from us and the kids were getting hungry. We rode back to the beginning of the patch and went to Chick-fil-a...everyone’s favorite.

We had a great time and it is so nice to have such great friends to do these wonderful traditions with each year.

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