Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Potty Humor

So sorry that my blogging is minimal and with few pictures if any lately! I am just about as exhausted as they come. Being almost 34 weeks pregnant is zapping my energy as well as no sleep and chasing an energized 2 year old around all day! When I was pregnant with Christian at least I could rest at any time and now I just pray he takes a nap each afternoon so I can just relax! Unfortunately, I do not have any relief each night at 5:00pm like most families and by the time bed time rolls around I have all but lost patience with my sweet little guy! I feel horrible because he does not understand how tired mommy is and when I loose it with him.....he gives me this look of horror. I am trying to remember not to raise my voice with him, but a 2 year old is very trying and pushing his limits every second of every day! I honestly am ready NOT to be pregnant, but scared of what is to come once she arrives. This situation is going to be very interesting and I am afraid I will be calling on family a lot sooner and more than originally thought! I am in the midst of searching for some part time help in the afternoon from 4-8 pm and if anybody knows of anybody......Please let me know! I believe this is going to be the most difficult time for me with dinner, bath and bed so I am going to need some help until a schedule happens!

Now the funny story! Christian is obviously around females more than males and so he is bound to pick up some habits that daddy might not think are so cute! Well, the other day I was over visiting my mother and Christian is very curious and loves to follow you into the bathroom on a regular basis and tell you what you are doing! Usually he justs says, pee pee and points to the toilet, but that was not the case this day. He followed my mother and went into the bathroom with her. I quickly heard hysterical laughing and went to investigate what was so funny? My mom told me to watch what he was doing. He was grabbing toilet paper and patting himself in the front of his pants. After a few pats, he would throw the toilet paper in the trash and say, "trash". I was laughing so hard I almost wet my pants! I had never seen him do this before and he did it about three times until we dragged him out of the bathroom! Anyway, the moral of the story is that I guess they pick up more than you think by watching you! He watches Brian all the time too but, obviously I am with him 24/7! I am going to try and get this on video, but he has not done it again since the other day!

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