Sunday, April 25, 2010

18 months young!

Henley turned eighteen months old a few weeks ago and I just can not believe how big she has gotten! I look at her every day and think where did my little baby go! The personalities of both our children are sooo different and I  love seeing the differences in boys and girls! Henley is such a talker...when she wants to be! She has been putting two and three words together for about a month or two! I hear someone talking and when I turn around I am always surprised to see Henley! I am not sure if it is being a girl or a second child, but she sure does seem to pick up everything! Right now her favorite words are no no, mine and telling/showing you her body parts! Brian and I laugh all the time because she has the most southern accent of all of us and it is too cute! If you could hear the way she says, bye bye you would think sometimes you were watching Gone with the Wind! Speaking of Scarlett, I think we most definitely have a drama queen on our hands! Wow, the tantrums this little girl throws are outrageous! I can not tell you how many times a day that I lay her on the floor gently so she can throw her fit! I make sure of course that I lay her head down gently because she is notorious for banging it on the closest thing she can find! I wait for her to calm down and then we go about our business and try to find a distraction! I have to laugh because I can already see the future and what drama ours lives will bring as she grows into a teenager!

Henley is still Miss Serious at times, but she so mischievous in nature! We can honestly say, she is always trying to get her brother into trouble! He can be a foot from her and she somehow finds a way to blame him for something...mostly just touching her! She knows when she is not supposed to do something because as she is doing it, she will look at you and say, no no. We have not quite figured out if she is going to be shy or not? When we are at home she is quite the busy body and very bossy, but she is not so fond of strangers. I think it takes awhile for her to warm up to people she does not know very well. If looks could kill, well her facial expressions alone are priceless! Total strangers have even commented on the looks she gives! I do not even know how to respond to that?  It does not help that she is in that horrible stage at 18 months where she is attached to mommy! The stage where they are old enough to know something bad could happen and they want to make sure their safety net ( aka mommy and daddy) are with in an arm’s reach! It drives me crazy, but I would rather have that than the opposite! Christian went through that stage, but he also tested his boundaries and would just take off!

Henley is not a snuggler like her big brother and it breaks my heart sometimes. However, recently she has started to give kisses to all of us! She will walk up to you and kiss you on the mouth and make that uhm mma noise! Too cute!

Henley is definitely the musical one in the family! I have a video that is nothing, but nursery ryhmes. She gets so excited and dances and sings every time we put it on! She can already sing a few of the songs and her favorites include “ The Wheels on the Bus and You are my Sunshine.” I am trying to get some video of her singing You are my Sunshine because it is so stinking cute! The two words you hear so clearly are Sunshine and Happy and it is precious! She loves to play any musical instrument and jumps on the piano every chance she gets...maybe she will follow in my footsteps and play one day?

Last, but not least I have to put her stats in her for memory books. I found a website that makes your blog into books, so I am about to start that process. I want to have one for each year of their lives! These blogs are kind of their baby books!

Henley at her 18 month check up weighed in at 24lbs 8oz which put her in the 55% for weight. She was 32 1/4 inches long which made her in the 60%for height. Head was 19 inches which put her in 90% for that! The doctor said, she was perfect! We think so too! We love you Henley and you truly are our sunshine!

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