"What a beautiful day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!” Easter Sunday was a gorgeous day in Birmingham, Al this year! There is no better day than Easter to sit back and reflect on our lives! A day to celebrate and be thankful for the many blessings that God has bestowed on all of us! I am especially thankful for my beautiful family near and far and all the happiness they bring to our lives! My Aunt Punkin was in town for the Holiday and it was nice for her to get to spend time with the kids.
Sunday morning we all got up and went to church. When church was over there was an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids! Henley is so funny because once she discovered that there is chocolate in the plastic eggs...she stops at the first one! Henley picks up her first egg, sits down on the ground, opens the egg and proceeds to eating the contents! :) If she gets done with the first egg, well then she moves on to the next! I do not think she has grasped the concept, the more eggs you get, the more candy you have to eat! I think that this is probably a good thing!!! Christian on the other hand, no so hesitant this morning! He had a lot of eggs in his basket this time!
Once we got home, Henley took her afternoon nap. When Henley woke up we went over to my parents home and had yet another easter egg hunt! I have more plastic eggs than I know what to do with! If anyone needs any next year...give me a call! We had a nice dinner and hung out outside for the evening because it was just to nice to be indoors! Heather did not come home, but we were able to talk to her via Skype. It was so easy to use we need to get Debbie and Lynn to sign up and we can all talk via the computer! It was pretty fun!
We hope everyone had a beautiful day!
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