Sunday, December 5, 2010

Frosty...the Elf

I think all moms know what Elf on a Shelf is...right? Well, this year we decided it was time to introduce Christian to a little more Christmas magic. He loves Christmas, he loves Santa Claus and the excitement sometimes is a little overwhelming for him. There has been a lot going on in our lives over the past few months, so there has been some acting out in our household. I thought that maybe with a new little Elf friend watching the good and bad, we might get some better behavior? We have been telling Christian for about a month that Santa is watching to see if he is naughty or nice? The wonder and magic in his eyes is so innocent and precious. I just love to watch him light up when we talk about Santa Claus.

The day after Thanksgiving our little Elf arrived at the front door. He came in on Santa’s favorite reindeer Rudolph. Christian was so excited! We read the story and talked about  what our Elf was here to do. He was going to make sure that Christian was a nice boy and report back to Santa every night. We immediately named his Elf, Frosty. This name is perfect because it is so cold where Santa Claus is frosty!

Now, a lot of Elves get into mischief at night or bring presents for good behavior, but not our Elf. Frosty just hides every night in a new location after returning from the long trip to North Pole reporting to Santa. I love to watch Christian every morning jump out of bed and go searching for him. We find Frosty hanging from chandeliers, in the tree, in our stockings and in all kinds of places where he can fly. Frosty has magical powers and flies everywhere in our house. Christian will talk to him and remind him daily to make sure and tell Santa what he wants. It is priceless! There have been a few moments where questions arise if this is real or make believe. He does not quite understand why the Elf, Frosty does not talk back to him? The story makes it very clear that the Elves are not allowed to speak to their children, so I think we are in the clear.

I know there will come a time when this will change, but for now I love every moment of their childhood and the belief in something magical that Christmas brings.

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