Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa Claus is coming...

The past two years we have started a very fun tradition with friends. Our friends the Hill’s host a party where Santa makes a surprise appearance. I have to tell you it is the most fun I have all season.  I love watching the kids go crazy over Santa showing up out of no where! Now, this year the Santa was not so great, so I am glad our kids did not notice anything strange... yet! Of course you have to get close to Santa first! Henley is absolutely petrified of Santa this year and does not even want to be in the same room. When Santa came into Carol’s house, Brian had to take her outside!  Hilarious! I have a video with terrible stabilization, but you can hear her tell you she does not like Santa! This age is priceless and unfortunately we torture our kids for the memories! The image stabilization is terrible and I need a new video recorder...I do not know why uploading through You Tube makes it worse?

At Christian’s school they had Santa Claus come and visit the kids! Now, this Santa was unbelievable! He used to sit at Brookwood Mall, which is known for great Santa’s! Anyway, now he does private parties and he is wonderful! Here are some pictures of Christian and Santa with his class! I can never watch the kids sit on Santa’s lap too many times. I think it is so sweet and it will not last forever!

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