Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Big Ice Storm of 2011!

Birmingham, Alabama is not exactly known for cold weather. However, there is at least once a year that we get snow, ice or a mix of both! The whole world shuts down around here when there is any talk of winter weather! The meteorologists here are crazy and take of the TV for hours when the threat of winter storms are anywhere surrounding this state!

When we realized that it was inevitable that we would get a lot more ice than snow...we made sure we had the clothing to play in it! Parked our car down at the bottom of the driveway and waited for the fun to begin!

Our friends the Copelands, who are more like family came over the next morning after the storm to play. The hills in our neighborhood are pretty steep, so we took full advantage of the ice on the roads. Ethan made a make shift sled for the kids to go down on and it was great! I do not know what they are called, but you know the pads your chair sit on at your desk? They are made of plastic. Anyway, they make for a quick slide! He took their’s, put two holes in it and tied a string through it! Perfect for sledding!

Hold on Tight!
My future hubby!

Here are some great photos of the kids (including the big ones) going down the street! Lots of Fun!


The best run of the day!

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