Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Little Easter Happiness!

I have a friend at church who writes a blog called, “Hands Free Mama”. Rachel writes about living a hands free lifestyle. What is that? Well, it is very simple...let go of the things you hold most dear!! Let go of your electronic gadgets ( phones, blackberries, computers, games) and any other distractions that keep you away from your life. I think, no I know that we all get caught up in our busy, busy lives. There is so much we have to do. Whether it is work, kids, school, volunteering or just everyday tasks. We have a million things to get done before the day is out. However, if you slowed down for just one minute, think about what you might see? We miss out on so much by multi-tasking our lives away. I for one, do not want to miss out on anything big or small. I decided to make a few changes. In in the car, I turn off the radio/movies and talk to my children, I look them in the eyes when they are telling me a story( instead of shaking my head and saying, uh huh while I do something else), letting them stay up later because they want to snuggle (when I am tired), reading one more story, letting them help me cook dinner (regardless of the mess they make), listening to them say prayers at night ( my favorite). If I would not have done this I would of missed the sweet conversations I have with my kids, valuable snuggle time in the afternoon, lots of laughter at night, but most of all I would of let my kids impressionable years pass me by! I have learned so much and taught invaluable lessons...just by making the time! It is that EASY! Try might surprise yourself! It is definitely something that takes work and I am getting better each day. I have my good days and I have my bad...but it is worth it when I get something special that I might have otherwise missed.

Now, the other day she sent out a post about doing something nice for other people. Rachel is trying to get everyone to acknowledge individuals in our neighborhood who for the most part go unrecognized...our mail carriers and garbage men. Rachel has suggested putting together a little goody bag or Easter basket for these men and women. A way for us to say, “ Thank you” and that we do notice them and appreciate their hard work!

Pretty Flowers Kids!

She will like this candy!

Baby Chick!

Hope the rain does not ruin our sign!

I thought this was a nice idea and we have in the past given our mail lady surprise gifts at Christmas and Valentines. However, we have never given to our trash collector’s! I bought some plastic Easter eggs for the kids to fill up that look like little baby chicks. We wrote a nice note and the kids colored some flowers on them. We placed one in the mailbox and then we placed two on the trash can with their messages this morning. This was such a wonderful way to teach my children kindness to others and that small gestures can go a very long way! I wish we would of been able to witness the reactions of these men and women, but we were not home! :( It would of been nice for the kids to see that a little bit of sunshine can go a VERY long way!

By the way, if you want to check out Rachel’s Blog the site is

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