I have many friends who have three children. In fact, the thing you always hear about having more than two kids is, you are now out numbered. When they all go in different directions, you do almost need an extra pair of eyes.
The one question I have been asked frequently in the past few months as a momma of three is, " Have you forgot or lost one of them yet?" What in the world kind of question is that? Forget one of my children? No way, no how! How on earth could you do that? I would never forget one of my children! Not in a million years!!!
Well, If I was a betting women, I would of lost this bet. I indeed last week forgot one of my children!!!
It has been crazy the past few weeks. All the holiday festivities leading up to Halloween and now Thanksgiving. I have school functions out the ying yang and can barely keep my calendar straight, much less anything else...and one of them does not even do anything! Anyway, for weeks I have been trying to get the kids haircuts. The only time it could be done was on a Thursday afternoon at 1:30. Yes, I would be checking my children out of school for a stinking haircut! Desperate times my friends....
The kindergarten class was having their Thanksgiving program the next day. When I went to check Christian out of class, his teacher wanted to know what for? I was embarrassed to admit it was for a haircut, but I told her. Mrs. Rary told me that Christian had an important role in the program tomorrow and to please leave him at school for practice. I said, ok and off I went.
Now, here is the crazy part. Lucy has to be picked up by 1:00pm period! I was going to pick her up after I checked out the other two. Well, when I did not check out the other two...somewhere in my head, I thought I have until 2:30 to run more errands??? I took off to the other side of town! Folks, it was 12:45 pm!!! I stopped at a gas station to get gas and I was talking on the phone. I don't know what made me look at the clock, but I will never forget it! It read 1:07pm. Oh Sh#%@&! I forgot to pick up Lucy! I immediately called the school and made up some off the wall story about an accident. I did not want them to know I completely forgot about my sweet baby girl! I guess I am so use to her being with me, that I just momentarily thought she was with me.
The moral of this story is anything can happen and yes, it happened to me. I am so lucky Lucy was safe and sound in her class with her fabulous teacher. If you are going to forget a child, at least forget about them at their school!!! Hahahaha