Sunday, February 24, 2008

Little Drummer Boy...

O.K. so I am guilty of letting my child play in the cabinets in the kitchen! I do not know one mother of an active child who just sometimes does not say....whatever will keep you occupied! Christian has designated cabinets that I let him play with in the kitchen. He knows they are for him to get into and take everything out and play, play and play! However, lately he thinks all cabinets are within his limits of playing! We have a sink on our island in the kitchen and it has a garbage disposal in it. Well Christian loves flipping switches! I mean any switch he can get his little hands on he will switch it on and off a hundred times! I once let him stand on a ladder in the kitchen and he flipped the lights on and off for thirty minutes! Honestly, and he was laughing the entire time! I wish that something that small could amuse me for hours on end. It is fun watching through his eyes those little things that we do everyday and take for granted...i.e. electricity!!!

Anyhow, back to the cabinets and how he thinks they are all for his pure enjoyment! Last night his Uncle Reed came over for dinner and he wanted to show off his new musical skills! There are a couple of ice buckets under the cabinet where the garbage disposal is located. Lately, Christian gets the two stainless steel ones out and bangs on them like drums.

It is so loud and obnoxious, but so cute too! I think it even hurts his ears because he flinches every time he hits the buckets! Last night he was going to town drumming on them like a rock star! I took the camera out and got this recorded! I thought everyone would get a kick out of his new found talent! This kid definitely has music in his future, but hopefully not dancing because he has inherited his daddy's lack of rhythm. Christian loves music and a few examples of how much he loves music are...

-every time that commercial comes on for the new apple computer in the flat envelope...he dances to that song! Absolutely loves that song and if anybody knows who sings it please let me know. I think it might be Corin Bailey?????

-LOVES American Idol and dances and claps to every person that sings, especially if he liked the song! Maybe he could be the judge in 20 years???

-We are at a store and he dances in the aisles to those stupid dancing animals toys that you push the feet and they sing a song!

-Brian sings to him! Well you would laugh if you have heard Brian's singing!

Anyhow, I enjoy watching all these things. I find them adorable, but then again I am his mother!

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