Friday, December 23, 2011

A little closer...

Henley is not a huge fan of Santa Claus this year. In fact, I would venture to say, she is petrified of him. This week was her last week of school and they had Santa coming for a visit. When I told her he might be stopping by school she went into panic mode. She started crying and telling me I do not want to sit on Santa’s lap. I told her that nobody was going to make her do anything she did not want to do. There was a long pause and a sigh of relief. Then about 10 minutes later she came up to me and said, “ momma will you tell my teacher Mrs. Blackburn that I do not have to sit on Santa’s lap?” It was so very cute and of course I told her I would. In about the course of an hour I think she told me the same thing at least five times. I repeatedly reassured her that she would not have to sit on Santa’s lap.

When we got to school I instructed her teacher that she did not want to sit on Santa’s lap. She was more than willing to go into the same room with him, but that was about it. Needless to say, I was very surprised when I received these pictures of her that afternoon. I think that the scariness of Santa might start to be dissipating??? A little shy, but getting closer.

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